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Tell: Mr.Lu 13861157888

Address:No715 heheng road, zhenglu town, tianning district, changzhou city, Jiangsu Prov, China

Disposable Poly Polypectomy Snare


Disposable Poly Polypectomy Snare
Intented use:
This device is mainly used with endoscope to cut polyps or other redundant tissues with high-frequency
The loop is made from imported medical stainless steel, which is of good elasticity and strength,
360° roating design of the handle provides convenience of operation,
Outer tube ensures smooth, straight, unpliancy and easier entrance of the device,
There are Hexagon, Oval and Crescent types to choose from according to clinical requirement,
Sterile package, disposable.
Changzhou Chentao Medical Equipment Co., Ltd
TEL: 0519-81880991 / 13801507651 / 13861157888
FAX: 0519-81883993  E-mail:
ADD: No715 heheng road, zhenglu town, tianning district, changzhou city, Jiangsu Prov, China