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Tell: Mr.Lu 13861157888

Address:No715 heheng road, zhenglu town, tianning district, changzhou city, Jiangsu Prov, China

Disposable biopsy forceps(uncoated, without needle)


Specification Parameter
Code Feature User & Advantages
QY-B-P 1.8×1600 uncoated, with needle, oval cups With needle, positioning quick and accurate, non-slipping, with sharp blade edge, easy to sample and reduce pain, suitable for endoscopic plier hole whose diameter is Ø2.0mm/ Ø2.8mm/ Ø3.2mm.
QY-B-P 1.8×1100
QY-B-C 1.8×1600 uncoated, with needle, alligator cups With needle, positioning quick and accurate, non-slipping, with sharp tooth row, used to carry out hard tissue samples like tumor tissues, easy to sample and reduce pain, suitable for endoscopic plier hole whose diameter is Ø2.0mm/ Ø2.8mm/ Ø3.2mm.
QY-B-C 1.8×1100
QY-B-P 2.3×1600 uncoated, with needle, oval cups With needle, positioning quick and accurate, non-slipping, with large circle opening and sharp blade edge, easy to sample and reduce pain, suitable for endoscopic plier hole whose diameter is Ø2.8mm/ Ø3.2mm.
QY-B-P 2.3×2300
QY-B-C 2.3×1600 uncoated, with needle, alligator cups With large circle opening, able to obtain large living tissue samples, With blade needle, positioning quick and accurate, non-slipping, with sharp blade edge, used to carry out hard tissue samples like tumor tissues, easy to sample and reduce pain, suitable for endoscopic plier hole whose diameter is Ø2.8mm/ Ø3.2mm.
QY-B-C 2.3×2300
Length can be customized according to customer’s request. (300-2500mm)

Changzhou Chentao Medical Equipment Co., Ltd
TEL: 0519-81880991 / 13801507651 / 13861157888
FAX: 0519-81883993  E-mail:
ADD: No715 heheng road, zhenglu town, tianning district, changzhou city, Jiangsu Prov, China