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Address:No715 heheng road, zhenglu town, tianning district, changzhou city, Jiangsu Prov, China

Disposable cervical biopsy forceps


Disposable uterus biopsy forceps
     Cervical biopsy is a biopsy of the cervix, often used in patients with suspicious cervical cancer or suspicious cells in the cervical spatula. Cervical biopsy is the most reliable evidence of cervical cancer, and it is necessary to determine the pathologic type of cancer and the degree of cell differentiation no matter early or late cervical cancer.
     A repetitive cervical biopsy forceps is currently widely used, which exists the problem of hard cleaning and incomplete disinfection, incomplete cleaning can cause the risk of cross infection in clinical practice. On this basis, our company develops the disposable uterus biopsy forceps.
     The head of disposable uterus biopsy forceps is made of medical stainless steel, adopting the rigid push rod structure and laser beam welding connection, safe and reliable. The products are produced in cleaning workshop, with aseptic package. Just open the bag, one pliers for one person, destroy it after using, and eliminate the risk of cross infection completely.

Changzhou Chentao Medical Equipment Co., Ltd
TEL: 0519-81880991 / 13801507651 / 13861157888
FAX: 0519-81883993  E-mail:
ADD: No715 heheng road, zhenglu town, tianning district, changzhou city, Jiangsu Prov, China